Studying the Influence of Cyclonic Activity on Suspension Distribution in the Sea Water of the Northwestern Black Sea

D. V. Alekseev, V. A. Ivanov, E. V. Ivancha, V. V. Fomin, and L. V. Cherkesov

Processes of roiling, transport-diffusion, and deposition of fine disperse bottom sediments are studied in the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea in different synoptic situations connected with the passage of cyclones. Movement of atmospheric disturbances with velocities of 5 and 15 m/s along three trajectories typical of this region is considered. A nonlinear sigma-coordinate numerical model is used to calculate hydrodynamic and suspension concentration fields. The bottom areas, most sensitive to erosion, and the areas of maximum accumulation of depositions due to their sedimentation are determined. The change in suspension distribution in the surface layer with time is studied.

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