Distribution of Hydrological Observation Network on the Rivers of Russia before and after the Economic Reforms Depending on the Degree of Territorial Development

O. B. Voskresenskii

Studied is the relationship between the density of hydrological stations (HS) of the main state observation network on the rivers and the population density commonly used as an indicator of the territory development. Given is the minimal required number of HSs of the main network computed using the objectively substantiated method. The territorial distribution of HS density depending on the population density is analyzed on the basis of the data of 1992 with the number of HSs of the total network that can be taken as minimal required for the main network. For the first time obtained are the regional relations of these characteristics for the time moment when the spatial distribution of HS density was close to the year 1987 to the countrywide highest HS density for the whole observation period. Established is the relationship between the HS density and density of population aggregates.

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