V. V. Smirnov and V. P. Shevchenko

Field studies conducted in the water areas of the Laptev, White, and Pechora seas show that the probability of occurrence of surface maritime fogs is fairly high in transition seasons. For example, in the period from 20 July to 10 September 1995 liquid-water fogs or heavy hazes occurred in about 60% of all observations in the Laptev Sea. The concentration of aerosol particles with a diameter in excess of D = 3 µm was 10–1000 times greater than background. Satellite observations in that period showed no significant decrease in visibility. Dependence of the concentration and dispersity of particles with diameter 0.01–3.0 µm on air temperature and wind speed is analyzed. The measurement results provide new data on the physics of polar surface fogs and hazes.

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