Analyzing the Amur River Water Regimefor the Period Precedingthe Catastrophic Flood in 2013

G. V. Sokolova

The regime of rainfall floods in the Amur River basin in 1901–2011 (before the catastrophic flood in 2013) is analyzed using the data from the Khabarovsk hydrological station. Considered is the relationship between the annual maxima of floods and monthly mean water levels in September for that period. Revealed is the cyclicity of the Amur River water regime that has the form of the consecutive alternation of the groups of low- and high-water years for the period under consideration. This enables assessing qualitatively the trend in the water regime. Carried out is the comparative analysis of catastrophic water levels in the Amur River both during the summer low-water period in 2008 when the absolute minimum was registered at the flood wave peak, and during the flood in 2013.

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