Influence of Global Climate Changes in Past Centuries on the Chemical Composition of Bottom Sediments in the Chukchi Sea

A. S. Astakhov, E. G. Vologina, A. V. Dar’in, I. A. Kalugin,
and V. V. Plotnikov

The sedimentary cores from the southern and northern parts of the Chukchi Sea illustrate the influence of climate and environmental conditions on the chemical composition of bottom sediments accumulated at present and in the recent 500 years. The low concentration of biogenic (Ca, Br, Sr) and some redox-sensitive (Fe, Mn, Zn) elements is typical of the recent sediments accumulated in the areas with permanent ice cover and of the sediments accumulated during cold periods (Little Ice Age and especially the Maunder Minimum). The possibility is revealed of identifying cyclic changes in environmental conditions including sea ice extent in the concrete Arctic areas. This may be used to detail the regional forecast of future changes.

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