Climatology of Precipitation of Different Genesis in Northern Eurasia

A. V. Chernokulsky, F. A. Kozlov, O. G. Zolina, O. N. Bulygina,
and V. A. Semenov

A method for discriminating among different types of precipitation is presented. The method is based on surface observations of precipitation, present and past weather, and the morphological types of clouds. The climatology of showery, nonshowery, and drizzle precipitation in Northern Eurasia is studied using the data of 529 Russian weather stations for the period of 1966–2014. Showery precipitation dominates in Northern Eurasia. In general, showery precipitation has greater temporal (monthly and diurnal) and spatial variability than nonshowery precipitation. The majority of showers are registered in summer (the maximum is in July), whereas the highest total monthly nonshowery precipitation is observed in autumn (the maximum is in October). The daily intensity values of showery and nonshowery precipitation are generally close, the maximum intensity is recorded in July–August. For three-hour intervals, the shower intensity is by 1.1–1.5 times higher. The drawbacks of the presented methodology are discussed.

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