Estimation of Land Surface Temperature for the Western Tannu-Ola Range in the Tyva Republic

Kh. B. Kuular

The Landsat-8 wintertime satellite imagery is analyzed to map the land surface temperature for the Western Tannu-Ola Range located in the southwestern part of the Tyva Republic. The analysis of spectral characteristics of the landscape cover allowed identifying the altitudinal and zonal com- plexes. The result of satellite imagery processing for January 20 and 29, 2017 is presented in the form of the map of surface temperature for the vegetation (landscape) cover of the range. The land surface temperature map shows that the land surface is significantly cooled in January due to the Siberian High. The mapped January values of temperature varied from –13 to –36C. The map clearly demonstrates the temperature inversion in the mountain-hollow terrain as well as the edge of different-colored tempera- ture shades corresponding to the vegetation of different altitudinal and zonal complexes. The mutual interference of temperature contours and the introduction of mountain steppes along the northern and southern macroslopes are typical of the altitudinal zonation caused by the mountain terrain.

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