Peculiarities of Diurnal Variations of the Vertical Gradient of the Atmosphere Refraction Index in Eastern Russia

N. Ts. Gomboev

In this paper, diurnal variations of the vertical gradient of the atmosphere refraction index in the lower 300-m layer are computed and analysed in detail for a vast territory of Eastern Siberia and Far East of Russia by using 10-year observation data obtained at 32 aerological stations. In particular, it was found out that diurnal variation of the gradient is more diverse in summer and less diverse in fall. In the most north-easterly regions, unlike other climate zones where maximum gradient changes occur in summer and in winter, the greatest diurnal fluctuations of gn are observed in spring. In the studied region, amplitudes of diurnal variations of gn are significant and quite comparable with those of inter-seasonal oscillations of gn.

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