Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya is the only monthly scientific and technical journal in CIS covering the problems and achievements of the Russian and world hydrometeorological science and practice and the problems of the monitoring of environmental pollution and climate. The publisher of the journal is the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The journal is reprinted in English in the USA under the name Russian Meteorology and Hydrology.

Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya the papers by leading researchers and specialists of Roshydromet, Russian Academy of Sciences, and other ministries and departments as well as by foreign authors. Coverage includes the urgent problems of meteorology, hydrometeorology of sea and land, agrometeorology, aviation meteorology, and space meteorology or study the World Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctic, radiation conditions in the near space, radioactive and chemical contamination of natural environments, geomagnetic activity, ionospheric conditions, radio wave propagation conditions, global and regional changes in the ozonosphere and climate, and respective global changes in the biosphere. The methods are considered of forecasting the weather, water content, crop yield, and climate, as well as the methods of mathematical modeling of hydrometeorological processes. The problems are covered widely of hydrometeorological services for the national economy of the country and practical use of modern scientific achievements. The papers dealing with weather modification activities are also published.

One of the areas of Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya journal is the publication of data on severe hydrometeorological phenomena and extremely high levels of pollution resulting in emergency situations or causing considerable damage to the population and national economy of the country. Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya informs about new tools and methods of measurements, modern technologies of the processing of hydrometeorological data, publication of new books, monographs, atlases, and reference literature, carrying out of conferences and meetings on hydrometeorology and environmental conditions, and other events of scientific life and activity of hydrometeorological community. The journal also publishes about the life and creative work of distinguished scientists and science organizers.

Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya provides the unique information of Roshydromet on the levels of pollution of natural environment (air, soil, and water bodies) and their trends, reviews of weather and anomalous hydrometeorological conditions on the CIS territory, the data of experimental and expeditionary researches of physical processes in the atmosphere, seas, oceans, and inland waters.

Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya focuses on scientists, specialists, and practioner-hydrometeorologists, specialists from different economic sectors, ministries, and departments that use hydrometeorological data and are engaged in nature conservation activities.










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