COSMO-RU System of Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Short-range Weather Forecast of the Hydrometcenter of Russia: the First Stage of Realization and Development

R. M. Vil’fand, G. S. Rivin, and I. A. Rozinkina

A brief description is given of the international COSMO consortium activity and of the first stage of its work carried out at the Hydrometcenter of Russia during recent two years within the frames of this consortium on the realization and development of COSMO-RU system of nonhydrostatic mesoscale weather forecast with horizontal resolution of 14 km. The technological line of the system of operative mesoscale hydrodynamic forecast production at the Hydrometcenter of Russia based on COSMO-RU/14 is described. The importance of the choice of optimum decomposition of forecast area at the paralleling of computations on the supercomputer down to 512 cores is shown. The preliminary estimates of the forecast quality are given which demonstrated the reality of results and the steady advantage in the surface weather element forecasts as compared with those operatively coming from the global “mother” GME model of the German Weather Service.

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