Returnable Upper-Air Sonde Based on Unmanned or Remotely-Piloted Aerial Vehicles for Atmospheric Balloon Sounding

N. M. Sitnikov, Yu. A. Borisov, I. I. Chekulaev, D. I. Efremov, D. V. Akmulin, V. I. Sitnikova, and A. E. Ulanovskii

Worked out are the models of returnable upper-air sondes based on unmanned and re¬motely-piloted aerial vehicles for the atmospheric balloon sounding. Carried out are the field tests of the models. Accomplished is the successful return of upper-air sonde prototypes after their lift using bal¬loons in both remote control and autopilot modes. Measured is the vertical distribution of temperature and pressure up to the height of 10200 m.

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