A Technology of Forecasting Weather Conditionsfor Space Rocket Launchingat the Vostochnyi Cosmodrome Usingthe Automatic Meteorological System Data

I. A. Gotyur, Yu. V. Kuleshov, A. B. Makov, V. A. Remenson, S. S. Suvorov, and G. G. Shchukin

Defined is the list of meteorological parameters and weather phenomena for providing the safety of operations of preparation and launch of space rockets at the Vostochnyi cosmodrome. As- sessed is the potential of modern prognostic systems for meeting the requirements to the quality of meteo- rological information. Carried out are original studies on the development of the technology of special weather forecasts in the cosmodrome area including the integration of prognostic products of leading operational forecasting centers and the results of meteorological, aerological, satellite, and lightning- detection observations which were carried out at the technical and launching sites of the cosmodrome.

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